The Secret to Success

Want to know the secret to success?

If you have been known to look for a magic bullet or the secret sauce to speed up the results you are looking for, I get it.

There is a reason the book, The Secret, was so popular (also the name was a marketing dream!).

There are so many people claiming to have the secret - soul codes, magical downloads, access to next level info that is only available if you are a priestess/goddess….

So let’s Get REAL and take a look at the truth.

As much as I am a lover of the woo, crystals and all things magic, I am also a lover of science, facts and numbers.

I have analysed the most successful people I know and tracked my own journey and looked at what was the turning point between constant struggle and success…and here are the results.

The secret is feeling safe.

When you are struggling, you don’t trust yourself. You look around and see everyone else doing alright and feel like the only one, out in the cold. You are pretty certain everyone else knows something you don’t, and it just reminds you that you’re not good enough at this *gestures vaguely around*.

You don’t see how far you’ve come, you don’t acknowledge what you’ve been through and what you’ve learned, your focus is purely on what you don’t have, what you haven’t achieved and your bank balance (or lack of it).

You look around for an expert who gets you and who can tell you what to do. If they could give you step by step, you could do it but you don’t have the funds to join the exclusive masterminds or pay the £10k/month to work with them 1:1. Every time you give yourself a talking to, brush yourself down and try to move forwards, you hit another hurdle that you can’t get over because you don’t have the cash to clear it.

You try the free challenges but don’t seem to get past day 3. You download the freebies but forget to execute them. You sign up for the webinars, but you don’t seem to make it to them.

And then begins the thought loop…”what the f is wrong with me”, “ why can’t I just get going”, “I need to get a job”, “everyone is going to find out that I’m a failure”, “why is it all so hard”.....

And on you go….

Let me tell you why all this happens.

You don’t feel safe.

Whilst you don’t like where you are now, the fear of change is overwhelming when you feel unsafe.

Until you can calm down your nervous system and understand you are safe exactly where you are, you are trying to dive off a diving board that you are strapped to. You simply cannot dive off if you can’t walk to the end of the board and jump.

That is the secret to success.

Create your safety so that you can launch yourself into the new, yet to experience, world of success.

That is essentially what we do in the Get REAL Experience.

You find out how to make yourself feel so safe and at home within yourself, that you no longer fear change, doing new things, being visible, standing up for what you believe in and allowing yourself to succeed.

Success is dangerous to someone who doesn’t feel like they are enough. You have spent a lifetime trying not to draw attention to yourself, to succeed will require you to change that. To step up and step out. To share who you are with the world. It’s tough when you don’t always like who you are. When you experience shame and guilt regularly. It’s also really hard to go leaping into the new when you are just so tired and overwhelmed by life and general.

The good news though is that creating the feeling of safety is possible, even for you.

With daily mindset tweaks, energy sessions and strategies that are designed so that you can create the feeling of safety for yourself, you can change your life for good.

Everything I teach and support you with, puts you at the heart of your journey. I guide but you steer and implement. This means the changes you create are for life and you feel empowered, not dependent on someone outside of you.

You become your own leader. Your own biggest cheerleader. Your own creator of safety. Your own master of your destiny.

You learn who you truly are. You see what you have overcome and achieved. You see your own courage. You truly see yourself and for some, this is the first time in your entire life that has happened.

You realise how powerful you are. You fall in love with yourself, and you understand that you are more than enough, that you always have been, and you always will be.

When you become so grounded in who you are, the feeling of safety returns.

You begin to see possibilities for the future.

You find emotional freedom and this allows you to feel strong and ready to take different actions to achieve a different outcome.

This sets you up to be able to implement the strategies that will bring financial success.

When you feel safe you can show up. You take action without procrastination and overwhelm. You don’t worry about being judged. You don’t continually worry about what might go wrong because you trust that you can handle and overcome anything. You live according to your values regardless of what the people around you think.

So safety is the secret.

It’s not sexy.

It doesn’t sound exciting.

It’s not an instant fix.

But it can be worked on and in our 12 weeks together in the Get REAL Experience, it can be found.

It’s priceless to achieve, but you can work on it with me for £997 (3 and 6 month payment plans are available) and this gives you access to every round of the Experience I ever run, so you can continue to unlock your feeling of safety at every new level you reach.

Create safety and success will follow.

If you’re ready to do this, you can join us HERE.

Doors are open now and close on Friday.


Jo Doubled Her Income Doing The Get Real Experience


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