Mercury Retrograde - The Surprising Positives You Might Not Know

"Oh no, it's Mercury Retrograde!' I hear you cry as you cower behind the nearest sofa or lock yourself in a dark room for this period.

I have recorded a short podcast episode about this which you can listen to here:

Mercury Retrograde happens 3 or 4 times a year depending on how everything lines up and it's a perfectly normal astrological season that we can't really escape from.

Yes, it's true that Mercury Retrograde can affect communication. It is a time when communication can get messed up or we get our wires crossed with how we understand what is being communicated to us and the same for how others receive communication from us.

The communication issues mean it is not the best time to be signing any legal agreements or committing to long term arrangements as it could bite you on the bum later down the line. Obviously, if you started this stuff before retrograde and you're certain this is what you want and have double checked the contracts, you should be fine!

Our IT systems might become a bit of a mess. You might have had issues with your phone or laptop and the wheel of death appearing or it crashing more often. Emails can get lost in the outbox for forever!

Travel plans can also be disrupted during Mercury Retrograde.

So should you just barricade yourself in the basement until it passes?

No! Not at all!

I did my first live event in 2.5 years on the first day of Mercury Retrograde. I mean, I did manage to get myself banned from Facebook 24 hours before and now I'm on the naughty list for a month but it wasn't the worst thing in the world. I knew the date would fall on Mercury Retrograde and had to go with the flow. I couldn't avoid it and neither should you.

The Positives of Mercury Retrograde

While Mercury Retrograde is certainly a time of making sure you've backed up files, checking on the maintenance of your tech and leaving more time for travel plans, there are some good points about this time.

I don't really hear of the positives of Mercury Retrograde so I thought I'd share some.

They all seem to start with a 're' word so it's easy to remember that in Mercury Retrograde, it's a positive time to do all the 're' words like reconnect, redecorate, rejuvenate, revise and reset.

Reconnect - Blasts From The Past

Now, this could be a negative but sometimes it can also be a positive too. You may find that blasts from the past appear in your life during Mercury Retrograde. That could be old friends, estranged family members or even ex-lovers. It doesn't all have to be bad though. It could be great to reconnect with people you love. Just make sure you're clear with your communication at this time and patient over any misunderstandings.

Redecorate - Switch Things Up

If you're sensitive to energy you might feel this shift in Mercury Retrograde. If it feels like things don't work in a physical space anymore, you might find yourself redecorating or rearranging furniture. It's a good time to think about the environment in which you live and work and how you could re-organise or re-jig it to make it flow and work better for you.

Rejuvenate - Relax, Rewind, Rest

I'm a massive fan of this one but if you're feeling a bit agitated with the energy of Mercury Retrograde it's a great time to choose rest and doing less over hustle and grind. The energies are so sensitive at this time and it can feel consuming and overwhelming.

It's a wonderful time to reconnect to yourself too with gentle movement (I'm a big fan of Qi Gong), journaling, meditation and my favourite - Epsom salt foot baths.

Revise and Reset - Your life and business

If you have created products or services that you feel could be improved, this is a great time to focus inwards on those and revise them. How could you make tweaks with little effort to make the customer journey better? Are you making it easy for people to buy from you?

Think about a reset and revising your routine. What is working for you right now in terms of your health and wellbeing? Where could your routine work better in your favour? Are there small changes you could work on that will help you perform a reset in your life without overhauling it?

Don't Be Scared or Frightened

Don't be frightened of Mercury Retrograde. There's no need to lose your mind over anything with it.

Remember they only last 3-4 weeks (ignoring the pre and post shadow phase).

This is why I am encouraging you to join the Get Real Experience which starts on Monday, September 26th.

In the Get Real Experience we learn to understand no matter what happens externally, we have control of our internal systems. We can choose how we react.

Part of the Get Real Experience teaches you how to change your mindset and respond from a place of power and a place of trust, faith and calm in yourself so things like Mercury Retrograde don't rattle you anymore and you're not on the edge.

Our aim with the Get Real Experience is to show you how to calm and soothe yourself so that you always feel safe. Taking yourself through the 12-week process is life-changing.

I love watching the change in those who join the Get Real Experience who go from chaos to calm. They are almost zen-like in their approach to life after learning the tools I teach and taking them through the live energy healing sessions.

And when you've done it once, you get to do it every time for no extra cost!

That's right, every year when I run the group trainings and set the modules live, you'll get to go through the Get Real Experience and peel back the next layer of your life and business.

Hurry - we start the next Get Real Experience on the 26th September. Doors are closing Friday so secure your spot today.

Speak soon,

Laura 🖤


The Secret to Success


When the world feels a little upside down