
Are you ready
to get REAL?


The Get Real Experience is currently CLOSED.

Sign up to the waitlist below.

You’re tired of trying so hard to make it work. The rollercoaster of life and business is getting exhausting. You want financial and emotional freedom and you want it now.


You’ve tried to be all things to everyone. You’ve spun your wheels one too many times. You’ve ridden the trolley down the supermarket aisles and wish you could replicate that feeling in life and business.

You have come so far but you’re just not there yet.

You get lost in the moment when you do the work that lights you up, time disappears. In fact, everything else disappears and you feel free.


The way you work, the tools you use, don’t matter.
The result is you can change lives.

You get up out of bed every morning, even on those difficult days because of the deep peace and joy that comes when you get to help others turn their lights on.

The truth is you get to do that just by shining your light as bright as you can.

And yet, sometimes, your light still flickers.

What if you are too bright or not bright enough?

What if it isn’t safe to shine?

Sometimes, even though you get to do work that you love so much you would do it for free and you are so very grateful for that, life and business feel like a struggle.

It’s not flow and it’s not ease. In fact, you are wondering if that is some myth peddled by successful entrepreneurs who forgot what it took to get there (it’s not).

You want to live a life and run a business that feels aligned to who you truly are but you’re still a little bit afraid that isn’t an option for you.

You’re a little afraid to turn your light all the way up because what if when you take off the mask and lose all the filters, people don’t like it.

What if being unfiltered brings up embarrassment, shame, guilt, anxiety, fear?

What if turning your light up makes you realise blocks aren’t real and that the stories that you have lived by don’t serve you anymore?

What if you just don’t know who you are? What if you don’t know what story you want to write for your life?


Well, I get it.


I get it all.

I’ve lived it.

I’ve built multiple businesses from nothing to something that meant I could sell them for multi 7 figures (not just once either!).

I’ve been floored by multiple panic attacks every day.

I’ve been ashamed. I’ve felt guilty.

I’ve felt lost.

I’ve lived in the dark for more years than I care to remember.

I’ve had no money, I’ve had a lot of money.


I finally got it when I got REAL.


Get REAL looks at the four core key pyramids you need to master to build self worth and net worth that will generate you wealth for a lifetime.

Get REAL helps you turn your light all the way up so you can turn the light on for others with ease and flow whilst being your true self.

Get REAL helps you unlock emotional and financial freedom.

The four key pyramids are





Letting go

We look at these four pyramids from both a personal and business perspective and we use four magical threads in each pyramid – Mindset, Energy, Strategy and Integration.


These four threads weave together to create emotional and financial freedom.


Freedom in life and business.


And on our magical tour through each pyramid, you will receive a group energy activation.

These are powerful.

Just ask one of our former Get REALers who tried one – she nearly fell over. Don’t worry I specify you need to sit or lie down now.

Want to look at the four pyramids in more detail?



We will start by looking at how open to receiving you are.

What do you let in and what don’t you and most importantly, why?

We will look at your existing stories and programming around receiving and clear what no longer serves you.

We will check in on your connection with yourself and others and we will have a little look at your relationship with manifesting.

We will look at setting intentions, income goals (and how to set ones that you can 100% align to), income ceilings, tracking and filling up your energy reserves.

Next up we will look at your income strategy, do you have multiple sources of income? A strategy to grow your existing revenue stream(s)? Well, you will do when we have finished.



Are you an over-giver?

Do you end up feeling shattered making sure everyone else is ok?

Afraid to spend money on yourself or can’t stop spending what you don’t have?

We will have a look at the programming that is creating this story and clear out what you don’t need anymore.

We will look at boundaries and how strong you are to them.

We will deal with protecting your energy and energetically opening and closing to stop you feeling drained when you work.

We will talk all things expense strategies – just from this section alone you might find you save what this programme cost!

We will take a look at budgets and I’ll help you understand the difference between cash and revenue and how you can forecast so that you never again need to run out of money before the end of the month!



How does wealth make you feel?

Always having more than enough? Is this a bonus or a burden in your mind?

We will look under the hood and find out and as always, clear out what is not working for you.

We are going to look at your biggest asset – you!

What do you want?

What matters to you?

What do you want your life and business to look like?

Why do you want that?

We will make a plan together to get you from where you are now to where you want to go.

We will wrap up this pyramid looking at the other assets we can create in your life that will generate you wealth without you having to actually “work” on them.


Letting Go

Time to let go of every belief and behaviour that is keeping you stuck in a holding pattern and not letting you be free.

Shame, guilt, embarrassment, it’s time let all of that shit go.

We will be clearing out resistance and fear and making sure you are clear on your direction.

We will also look at the story your debt is telling you and rewrite it accordingly.

We will create your action plan to reduce your liabilities, increase your ability to responsibly adult when it comes to money and you will learn to understand the difference between good debt and bad debt and how to future proof yourself for the economic future that is about to hit us all.

We will be bringing gratitude and celebration and motivation to the party here too.

We will then wrap up our journey through the 4 key pyramids with a graduation party (with Coronavirus it is likely this is going to be held online but fingers crossed we can do an in person version!).

Why would you want to do Get REAL with me?


I’m a Mind & Money Mentor, Energy Healer and Chartered Accountant – I work with money, mindset, miracles and magic.

With 22 years of experience and powerful credentials, my business expertise and smarts sync up pretty well with my life-changing mindset and energy work.


From healing to hypno, light language to profit & loss and balance sheets, I cover the spectrum of money, magic and mindset with love, real talk and a side order of pink fizz.

I am qualified in loads of things (certificate addiction) but more than theory, I have lived everything I teach. From a life perspective and in business.

Strategy, mindset and energy are my magic. They are weaved through everything I teach, everything I do. These three threads weave together to create freedom and abundance. It’s not just financial freedom either, the key to lasting success is to find emotional freedom and we will do that when we Get REAL together.

I would love to weave my magic, through the 4 key pyramids, with you, as I have in my own life. I have overcome crippling anxiety, agoraphobia, imposter syndrome, fear of being judged, shame, and guilt and I have learned to balance home schooling with running my own businesses and created a life of freedom, in every sense of the word.

As well as the programme platform, you will have a Facebook group where you can share your progress, your struggles, your celebrations and yourself. I will be there to hold your hand every step of the way.

My mission is to be the light and helping you to strengthen yours so you can turn on the lights for other people is why I came here.

It’s time.

So are you in?


Do you have questions?

Check and see if the answer to your Q is in our FAQ below.


When do we start?


We begin on 26th September 2022.

Please note, we have delayed this one week due to the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and to respect the bank holiday granted on the day of her funeral.


How long does it take?


Get REAL is a 12 week programme.

We spend 2 weeks on each pyramid, with a week focusing on Mindset and a week focusing on Energy. At the end of the 8 weeks, you will integrate all you have learned and move onto implementing the right strategy to take you to your version of emotional and financial freedom.

At the end of the 12 weeks, you will have created the foundations you need to unlock everything you desire.


Do you offer refunds?


If you are already thinking that you might want a refund, please don’t sign up.  Because of the nature of the programme and the content delivery we do not offer refunds.


I don’t do woo, is this for me?


Possibly not.  I’m a big fan of the woo but as much as I love magic, I also believe in a heavy dose of practical reality – I guess that’s why I’m also a Chartered Accountant!  But if you don’t believe in energy or magic, this probably won’t feel like home to you.


What if I can’t be there on the days you are live?


No problem.  All videos, audios and workbooks are in our online platform.  Any time I go live either in the FB group or via Zoom, recordings will be available.  The FB Lives will be in our group, the Zoom recordings will be uploaded into the programme platform, so you will never miss a thing.


How much access do I get to you?


I have created all the content, my energy is woven into everything.

You have access to me in the Facebook group and I am live with you on our fortnightly calls.


How much time do I need to set aside for this programme?


It very much depends on the outcome you are looking for. If you did nothing but listened to the activation for each pyramid you would experience a shift – and you would need about 4 hours.

If you want to do the full programme and get all of the benefit, you will need to have approximately 8 hours per pyramid available. Active work, I would aim to set aside 30 minutes a day. The activations can be listened to whilst you sleep and the content is provided in various formats so you can fit it into your busy life.


How many people are on the programme?


Places are always capped at 20.

The Get Real Experience is currently CLOSED.

Sign up to the waitlist below.

What are people saying about Get REAL?

  • "Laura doesn't try and change you, she is the restorer of souls. I was like a forgotten piece of jewellery at the back of the drawer. I didn't need to be anything more, she just set about lovingly restoring me. She made me see who I am and what I can do.

    The financial aspect is great. Despite a pandemic year, I doubled my turnover and profits - that is just a beautiful side effect of what she does."

  • “Laura is amazing at money mindset and business mentoring. she is intuitive and connected in - she knows when to hold your hand or pick you up from the floor or kick your ass, because she sees the best in you.

    She sees your light and your potential and holds that for you, until you own it and then it becomes your way of being in the world!”

  • “Laura is like a magical unicorn combined with a super smart arse kicker.

    I've learned that patience and faith are massive components in taking and feeling in control of your own money story. From an unexpected 4 figure cheque in the post to creating much needed stability in my finances - well it's no coincidence.

    Laura's time, patience and calmness is much appreciated as is her knowledge of the fun of taxes, financial planning and awesome live streams - I've gone from super skeptical pragmatist to adding in some proven woo to my Armoury.

    Thank you legend. everyone needs a Laura.”

  • “I have gained a new contract which equates to about 1 day per month and a 20k per year contract.

    Plus an additional 10k just for a few weeks in March.

    Beyond grateful and excited! Confirmed what I was designing is worth it.

    The reason this has been possible is so much because of the Get REAL Experience and Laura Powner – thank you!”

Still have questions we haven't answered?

Drop us an email at where we will be happy to assist.