Jo Doubled Her Income Doing The Get Real Experience

“I doubled my income the first time and then the second time I did that and a bit more which was ace” said Jo Howarth about The Get Real Experience.

I was shocked by this. Because throughout both rounds of the Experience, in 2020 and 2021, I never realised this.

Check out Jo's video here:

No "I'm a 6-figure" egos here as standard.

Because while we talk about money and how to open ourselves up to receive more income (through mindset, strategy, energy and implementation work) it’s not the kind of space or place where our focus is only on our numbers.

I know talking about numbers can be scary for some people so in my space, we don't just talk in 6 or 7 figures, even though there are people doing those kinds of numbers. Because it’s not the most important reason for being there.

It’s about finding the right space to explore everything you didn’t realise was holding you back with money and in your personal life.

Could you double your income like Jo?

The Get Real Experience is so special and I am so excited to start this year’s round.

It’s £997 to join the 12 week Get Real Experience and while it’s a self-paced programme there’s group coaching (and energy) sessions every two weeks led by me.

You also get the opportunity to join in the Experience every time I run it, without paying again. Because the work is never done and re-doing the programme peels back more layers as we level up and grow financially and personally.

It's cheesy but it's the truth - you will be loved and you will be safe

The group is a bustling place full of the most incredible people. As cheesy as it sounds, there is a lot of love in this group. We have seen each other at our most vulnerable and we have each other's backs, nobody gets left behind.

I’m there every day, answering your questions and comments. Not a mate who paid me £5k for me to certify them in this and then do all the work, me.

Affordable for all

As a healthy money mindset is the fundamental foundation of the lessons within The Get Real Experience, I know some people may need a more accessible way to split payments. You can also join the Get Real Experience using 3 x monthly payments or a 6 x monthly payment plan to make it accessible for all.

And since we’re talking money, I’m 100% confident that if you follow the mindset, strategy and implementation of each of the four pillars of the programme, you’ll make that investment back multiple times over. Like Jo did.

Doors close on Friday. If this feels right and you’re called to it, we’d love to have you.

Laura 🖤


Get REAL Experience: Lisa’s Story


The Secret to Success