Get REAL Experience: Lisa’s Story

I started working with Lisa way back in 2020.

Back then, I don't think Lisa could see in herself what was so obvious to me.

She is beautiful, smart, funny, loving, kind and has a heart of gold.

Lisa has overcome so much and achieved some really amazing things. She's tiny and yet she was a Muay Thai champion, that is an indication of her strength and mindset! It's probably why her business is called Rebel Health.

Over the years, life can kind of suffocate who we are at our core. We can forget our magic.

In March 2020, the global pandemic hit and as a coach and fitness trainer who did quite a lot of work in person, Lisa was worried that the lockdowns were going to massively impact her business and rightly so, because they did.

Feeling deflated after all the years of hard work, lost because something she was so passionate about was being taken away, life had lost its sparkle and so had Lisa.

We began working together in Summer 2020 and my first suggestion was that Lisa turned everything off and take time completely away from everything but her family. The focus was on eating, sleeping, hydrating, walking and absolutely nothing else.

The overwhelm, the fear and the stress had taken their toll and sometimes a total reset is necessary.

Lisa went to be by the sea and reset she did.

We did a card reading in our first months together and I remember telling Lisa all I could see for her and even though she didn't quite trust it, she trusted me, and the possibility sparked something in her again.

Lisa started to remember who she was and what made her happy and feel good.

She got her strength back. She decided to take her power back from the pandemic and she drove her business around those hurdles so it could be the business she loved even if delivered slightly differently.

Lisa found herself. She said she felt like a discarded piece of jewellery left in the back of the drawer but that we took her out together and polished her up and she was restored.

Back in that card reading of 2020, I told Lisa she'd move and be by the sea but not where she currently was. Lisa now lives in Devon by the sea and couldn't be happier.

In 2021, Lisa joined the Get Real Experience and continues to go from strength to strength. Her vision keeps getting bigger, her power keeps on growing and Lisa keeps on changing the lives of everyone who comes to work with her.

That's the thing about this work we do. We might impact one person, but that one person goes out and impacts many more - the ripple keeps growing.

That's what happens when a rebel get's real.

Hear from Lisa herself below:

Doors close to the Get Real Experience on Friday. If this feels right and you’re called to it, we’d love to have you.


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