New Moon in Libra 25/09/22 - Retreat, but Work on Those Relationships

It's a new moon in Libra time! Well, it will be at 22:54 tonight but it’s the perfect time to start journaling out those new moon intentions.

So what the heck does the new moon in Libra actually mean?

Well... normally the new moon in Libra is a balanced and joyous time but, sorry to say, not this one.

The mood in general and the planetary shifts mean the energy feels a bit off.

What Do You Need Right Now?

As we move towards the Libra season we are also moving towards winter. Naturally, the energy supports slowing down and hibernating and going inwards.

We might be feeling less like we want to be out there in the world so this is a great time to think about your intentions from now until the end of the year.

When setting intentions around this new moon, I want you to really honour what you need right now.

What is your soul crying out for?

What is going to settle and soothe your emotions?

Consider Relationships

Throughout this new moon, people are gravitating towards a lot of analysis around relationships in life, love and business.

Planetary wise we are moving into two signs together that support harmony but if you're feeling like any of your relationships are inflamed, this will be highlighted on this new moon.

This can be tough. We've just realised that we want to retreat, hibernate and go inwards. Yet this new moon energy is calling us to open up, speak up and show up to discuss our relationships with clarity and honesty.

If relationships already feel good, this is the time to focus on deepening an already strong connection. That harmony piece will shine through in the relationships that already feel like they're working well.

Put On Your Pyjamas

Personally? On this new moon, my need for cosy blankets, fluffy pyjamas and lighting the candles is strong. I call you into this deep relaxation period too. Enjoy it, it feels delicious when we truly relax and rejuvenate.

Laura 🖤


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