Behaviour patterns that don't lead to building wealth

Are you stuck in these top 3 wealth-destroying behaviour patterns? (And if so, what you can do about it from a chartered accountant, money mentor and energy healer.

Thoughts & Behaviours Around Money

You want to increase the wealth in your life, right? But are you in danger of never making that a reality if you're stuck in some common mindset and behaviour patterns?

As a money mindset expert, chartered accountant, and energy healer I want to make creating financial, emotional, and spiritual wealth EASY for you. I see so many people struggle unnecessarily with this.

Let's talk about thoughts and behaviours around money that make creating financial wealth HARD (when it really doesn't have to be!).

Many people I see often want the nice car, big house, travel etc… Money, and what it buys, is a determining factor in what success looks like to them.

And this is great but the lifestyle they want is lived by the “wealthy” and they can’t get to wealthy because they don’t understand the relationship with money that leads to wealth. They are unable to embody this because while they can increase their income, they always match it in their spending which means they never increase their net worth.

Do you recognise these 3 common wealth-destroying mindset issues and behaviours? Read on and get the right advice you need to make changes.

1) Destructive Wealth Building Behaviour #1 - Mindless Spending

Have you ever found yourself receiving a package in the post and thinking "When the heck did I order that?" or splurged on something even though you didn't have the funds and thought "But I need to treat myself". Maybe you bought the latest course, enrolled in the latest mastermind or worked with the next coach because "I need to invest in myself to level up".

Mindless spending comes in many disguises. Sometimes known as emotional spending or impulse spending, when you spend mindlessly on things to change your energetic state, self-soothe, 'treat' yourself or invest in yourself, are you actually causing more financial damage down the line?

Impulsive spending (for example, on the stream of Amazon parcels that arrive at your door) is an immensely short-term fix to a need. Usually to feel valued, rewarded, seen, like the effort was worth it. However, this “hit” does not last and more and more impulsive spending is required for the same effect. When the cash reserves are not there to enable this spending, consumer debt comes into play. And whilst in the beginning the debt is manageable in terms of repayments, the total debt keeps increasing in value rather than reducing.

When consumer debt comes from multiple sources and you have a history of never clearing it, this will affect your credit rating. And that income that you work so hard to increase is required to pay for the fixes/fun you have already had. You end up feeling frustrated and the debt feels burdensome. So you stop looking at it. But servicing this debt means your emergency fund, savings and wealth building investments are just not happening.

You’ve got to look at what you NEED and why you are trying to soothe that need with spending.

Money and buying stuff is not the answer. Yes, experiences give you memories but when your underlying money story is laced with stress and lack, well that’s also going to leave a memory. It’s a careful balance, and your net worth needs to be a determining factor in what you choose to do with your money.

In the online world, we are often told we need to spend with the right experts or in education to increase sales, improve your message and streamline your business and this investment can yield fantastic results. However, what I see many people doing is looking for an external person or programme that will be the magical answer without doing the business basics. Looking for magic outside yourself often leads to emotional spending and we don't want you to do that. If focusing on the basics sounds like something you need, I have a Business Builder eBook in my Facebook Group, The Get Real Community. It is free. Check it out in the resources here.

Mindless spending tricks you into thinking you are living a life of freedom, when it is actually trapping you in a world of debt that will take some serious effort to break free from. Don’t fall for its charms, as endearing as they may be.

Put every purchase through this test:

a) Can I afford it? If it is a no, no purchase.

b) Next ask, Do I need it? If no, no purchase.

c) Finally ask, will I still want it next month? If you won't, no purchase!

2) Destructive Wealth Building Behaviour #2 - Thinking Saving & Investing is Boring & Restrictive

80% of my clients think saving and investing is boring, that I’m being annoying and 'accountanty' when I talk about it and yet having savings and investments will actually change your life.

Having savings and investments will stop that constant knot in your tummy, the sleepless nights, the panic when you’re halfway through the month and a million miles away from your income goals.

Saving and investing might not feel as sexy as buying something but they are bloody sexy when you don’t have to worry about turning the heating on if you are cold!

Saving money is protection, it is a basic safety need of all humans. And if you keep on doing it, it will be a legacy for your children.

Believe me, once you’ve got started, watching your investments go up IS exciting. They also go down which is less exciting but there is a thrill there.

You might need to work through why it doesn’t feel safe to have more than enough. You might have to work through your perceived inability to create more than enough. But this is possible.

3) Destructive Wealth Building Behaviour #3 - Thinking looking at your money and managing it is too hard

Do you have the mindset that looking at and managing your money is not something you need to do because it doesn’t feel good and you want ease?

But don't you also want wealth?

If you do (and who doesn't want more wealth?!) then I am so firm on this when I say you need to look at your money. Uh oh! Here lies the biggest hurdle….people don’t want to look! It’s easier to exist on your beliefs about your money rather than the facts because what if the reality is worse than you think?!

To this I say, I get it, but we cannot change anything if we don’t know where we are starting. You have to be brave and do it. When we know the truth about the actual numbers, we can make a real plan and help you change your thinking, emotions, behaviours, beliefs and energy around it all. But we need to start with truth.

Managing and looking at money is like going to the gym, the more you do it, the easier it gets to keep doing it and you might actually like it. Or at least I imagine it is like the gym…I don’t go to the gym 🤣🤣 but the more you do anything, the easier the habit gets.

Money needs to be respected. As do you.

Money needs your time and focus. As do you.

Money is abundance in motion. As are you.

Money loves you. I hope you do too.

1:1 Energy Readings

If any of the above strikes a chord and you need a little help with this, book in for an energy reading with me. We will look at what is getting in the way of wealth (in all senses of the word, not just money) and I’ll give you some insights and tips that you can take away to start making changes straight away.

Due to my expertise as a chartered accountant, coupled with my energy healing, this is a blend of both the practical and magical and will be like NOTHING you have ever experienced before when it comes to changing your wealth. Of course, money is extremely important but this is also about your emotional and spiritual wealth. I have a proven track record of unlocking and clearing your energy to create emotional and spiritual wealth which leads to financial wealth that flows with ease.

Energy sessions are powerful, practical, magical, and priceless. I offer an extremely limited number of sessions each month so if your spidey senses are prickling right now, get in touch and let's chat about a time that mutually works to clear and heal your energy ready for the life-changing, wealth-generating work.

Wealth is available to you. Are you available for it?


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