Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - Blood Moon

It's a blood moon total lunar eclipse in Taurus tomorrow morning.

Unfortunately, if you're in the UK it's unlikely you will see it but you'll be able to capture images on social media taken from those in USA, Canada, Australia, and most of Asia.

In the UK, the eclipse will start at 8:02 am and finish at 11:42 am.

While you may not be able to see the Moon entering the Earth's shadow and appearing a coppery red, you may be able to feel the effects of this powerful lunar eclipse.

What this Full Moon means

When I'm tuning into the energy of this lunar eclipse, I'm feeling that this moon is all about worth and value.

It's about exploring our own self-worth and letting go of attaching our own worth to external factors, like the numbers we can see in our bank account.

As ever, there will be people on two sides of the camp this full moon.

Feeling Your Worth

You'll either feel like you're feeling your worth, maybe for the first time. This confidence in who you are and your abilities is a real conscious acceptance and it will help you set boundaries and realise that you're worth more than what you may currently be accepting.

Not Feeling Your Worth

You might be feeling that everything is going wrong and focusing on the problems that you feel are diminishing your value.

I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that thoughts create the emotion. Stop spending time and energy going over past mistakes. Ask yourself;

  • Where am I right now?

  • In this present moment, am I making a mistake, or am I actually ok?

  • In this present moment, what needs to change?

Focus on the now, not the past or the way you have been. It is really not helping you. You only ever have this present moment and on this full moon, let your focus be here and now.

If you're letting anything go with the power of this full moon, let it be your energetic fusing to the past that you cannot change.

Full Moon Rituals

Having a full moon ritual doesn't need to be time-consuming or overwhelming. I personally focus on two things; putting my crystals out on the window ledge in the full moonlight and journaling. A full moon ritual never needs to be a burden.

Nope, you don't have to pop your crystals outside in the rain if you don't want to.

Nope, you don't have to stand barefoot on the soggy grass in the moonlight.

Nope, you don't have to cast spells and do anything that requires a ridiculous amount of effort.

Journal Prompts for this Blood Moon

I always focus on what I am letting go of on the full moon. On this blood moon, focusing on letting go of anything that makes you feel 'less than' and any memories steeped in shame or guilt will serve you well.

But also with this full moon I'd love for you to think about what you actually want and desire. For when you let go, you can then let in what your heart is calling you to create, be, have or do.

I am often aware that I don’t ask for what I want and desire until I'm ready. It takes me a while to be sure about what I really want. But when I know, my experience of manifesting has always been that I go all in and BOOM, I get it very quickly.

If you haven't focused inwards and asked yourself what you truly want and desire for a while, today could be a great time to journal on that too.

Some journal prompts for you;

  • Who or what do I need to let go of on this full moon that makes me feel less than?

  • What do you truly desire in your life right now and why are you ready for it?

Affirmation for this Blood Moon

I am worthy of all that I desire.

Affirmations sometimes get a bad reputation as being pointless but there's something soothing and powerful in taking a moment, sitting with yourself, taking some deep breaths and reciting affirmations, that resonate with you and feel good. If this one doesn’t work, create your own.

You truly are worthy of all you desire, so state it to the Universe this blood moon and watch what happens in your life.


P.S - If you're looking to be nudged onto the right path of increasing your wealth but you know your energy feels off, I now offer 1:1 Energy Readings to read your energy and help you create the right plan for your next steps, in alignment with your ultimate goals and desires.

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