1:1 Energy Readings Now Available to Book

You asked - I listened! You asked me for shorter easier ways to work with me on a 1:1 basis so I have created limited online Energy Readings.

Do you feel a bit 'meh' or 'off' or just 'out of sorts'?

Is your business going well but it is feeling like a slog?

Is money is coming but, my god, it's an effort to generate?!

Do some parts of this whole process not seem to line up correctly and you're constantly chasing your tail?

Is this having an impact on relationships around you in both work and business?

But you still can't seem to put your finger on what the issue is?

I can help.

As a chartered accountant, psychic, and energy healer I love working with both the practical side of business and the magical side of energy.

I blend both my expertise in finance with my intuitive gifts to help clear your energy around your money stories, and also give you real-world tried and tested financial strategy tips. Over the last 20 years, my financial expertise has helped businesses accumulate great wealth with more ease.

Because isn't that always the goal? Not just to be wealthy but to do it with ease?

Working with me just became easier.

I now offer 1:1 energy readings where I;

  • Talk to you about what is going on and what you're looking to achieve

  • Read your energy and listen to the language you use

  • Identify conscious and subconscious programming

  • Identify exactly what is getting in the way of you aligning fully with your goals

  • Help you create a plan of what to work on with your thoughts and behaviour going forwards

All I need from you is;

  • a willingness to be yourself without fear of judgment (nothing you can say to me will make me judge you. Nothing.)

  • a place you can connect with me on a video call that is quiet so you can talk freely and undisturbed

  • a commitment to test the implementation of the advice I give you

1:1 Energy Readings are strictly limited.

Laura 🖤


The 8 most common money mindset issues (and how to solve them)


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - Blood Moon