The 8 most common money mindset issues (and how to solve them)

Do you suffer from the top 8 money mindset issues?

Read on and find out what to do about it with advice from me, Laura Powner, chartered accountant, money mentor, and energy healer.

Are any of the following issues energetically blocking you from creating wealth in your life?

Money Mindset Issue #1 - You're Too Personally Attached to Your Business

You are NOT your business.

Nope, even if it's your name on the tin.

Your value and your worth are not interlinked and attached to your business. It is not an extension of you.

Money Mindset Issue #2 - You Haven't Got Complete Clarity

You don't have income goals in your business and you are an ostrich with what you earn and spend with zero budgeting in life or business.

Yes, this seems scary but with budgeting, planning, and clarity on your goals you can remove the financial anxiety.

Money Mindset Issue #3 - You Have Frantic Energy Around Money

Usually, because of Issue #2 you operate in a scarcity mindset. Things happen and you need to get money in fast to plug the financial gaps. This frantic energy is felt by clients and is repellent so ends up having the opposite effect as people don’t buy but can’t quite put their finger on why!

Money Mindset Issue #4 - You're a Magpie

When it comes to wealth creation, you create the strategy but you're not consistent with it. You flit from one thing to the next looking for the 'answer'. Stop looking for the next shiny thing, work on the basics and watch your wealth increase.

Money Mindset Issue #5 - You Don't Trust Yourself

You've lost confidence in your abilities and talents so you don't trust yourself to deliver for clients, you don't trust yourself with money and so you go into self-sabotage mode. Look for proof that you CAN do this. Keep a bank of testimonials and positive messages to boost you in these moments.

Money Mindset Issue #6 - You're Going in The Wrong Direction

Usually linked to issues #2, #3, and #4, you change direction from your goals which confuses both you and your audience, making it hard to understand what you do and how to buy from you. Stay the distance and commit to your goals.

Money Mindset Issue #7 - You Can't Keep Hold of Money

You get money in but it goes out just as quickly. Your capacity to hold possibly stems from a deep-rooted belief that money is bad, you don’t deserve it or it is there to be spent because "You can't take it with you". You can hold onto it and be more sensible with it to reduce that frantic energy and scarcity mindset.

Money Mindset Issue #8 - You're Stuck in the Energy of 'Wanting'

You keep focusing on what you don't have yet and what you want, rather than celebrating where you are and working out your next steps. Or you might not have the right plan for your next steps to wealth creation. Wanting creates more wanting. It’s brilliant to have dreams and desires but you need to shift your energy from wanting to believing you can have and achieve it.

If any of these issues sound like something you're experiencing, I can assure you they can be overcome. I work with business owners on removing limiting beliefs when it comes to your money mindset, coupled with my powerful energy healing and a sprinkling of psychic intuition.

As a chartered accountant, energy healer and psychic, my work is a blend of practical and magical. Perfect for open-minded business owners who seem to be stuck earning around the £5k a month mark and want to increase their wealth.

Click here to find out about working together and let's see your wealth soar.

Laura 🖤


The Money Mindset You Need This Black Friday


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