Why ‘How to Charge Your Worth’ is BS

I found myself back on LinkedIn this week for the first time in a long time.

One of the first things I saw was a business coach doing a live titled;

“How to charge your worth”

And it riled me.

Because you CANNOT ever charge your worth.

It is impossible.

Your worth is not a number.

Elon Musk and Bezos could never put a number on an invoice that would equate to your worth.

Every single problem I see with people I help comes back to one core issue - “I am not worthy”.

Which then creates a stream of thoughts and beliefs which sound like…

“I am probably not good enough to do this thing I love”

“I need to wrap up my inadequate value in my pricing”

“I can’t make any money if I don’t have 75 funnels and trip wires”

“I am not worthy to have what I want”

If you have no worth, and when I say worth I mean your true inner self-worth, you will always limp along in business and you will never achieve the financial freedom that you so desperately desire.

It also affects you in life too in your relationships with others, in your quest for health or a certain physical fitness and in your relationship with money.

And it is the lesson your children will learn too.

This might sound harsh but if you're constantly questioning your worth and behaving that way too, your children will see that and they will model it.

That's why my work around teaching others to find their self-worth and this message is such an important one for me to talk about. When you truly understand that your worth is priceless, you will be on your way to achieving financial and emotional freedom which will have a positive ripple effect on your children and those around you.

So if you’re trying to find the right ‘worth’ for your products or services don’t tie it into your personal worth and value. Because you can’t put a number on that.

I went off on a mini rant (delivered with love) in this week’s episode of Laura’s Lowdown to help you stop this.

In this short 12 min podcast I will

  • help you to realise your personal worth

  • explain why charging what you’re worth is wrong

  • how to price your products or services

  • how to deal with push back on your prices

  • how to stop tying what you charge to how much you value yourself and your worth

It’s a good one!

The Get Real Experience

Teaching you your personal worth is at the core of the Get Real Experience.

It is my signature 12-week programme to achieve emotional and financial freedom.

This life-changing experience is open once per year. The next Get Real Experience begins on September 19th.

I'd love to have you on board to help you understand your worth to achieve emotional and financial freedom.

Laura x


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