AUGUST FULL MOON - Where do you need to be honest?

Tonight is the full moon so I pulled a card for you to help you create some thinking points or journal prompts.

On the full moon, I like to think of what I want to let go of.

Ideally, I write these down and then burn the paper under the full moon.

This full moon takes place around a planetary set-up that we haven't seen since March 2020 so it's time to let go of all that has held us back since the start of you know what.

This full moon is about escaping stifling situations and breaking free.

I pulled this card from my Be the Light deck and this came up.

Throat Chakra

"I am honest with myself and others"

Where are you not being honest with yourself or others about things that you want to let go of?

Think back to March 2020, are there things that have been happening in your life that no longer serve you?

Are there relationships that perhaps need some honesty?

Where do you need to be honest with yourself?

It could be around habits, thoughts and behaviours

It could be around the relationships in your life

It would be around your job or business

Dig deep into the energy of this full moon and ask where you need to be honest with yourself and others. This will help clear your throat chakra and bring you into alignment with the future version of you that's brimming and fizzing, ready to emerge this late summer.

Don't be afraid if the future is hidden from view, you are more than equipped to handle this now.



From 1:1 HEAL sessions to my signature group Get Real Experience programme, there are many ways we can work together. 

If you are a business owner who is looking for a virtual cuddle along with a loving kick up the backside to get real with your finances, your business and your life, then I'm your mind and money mentor. 

Get in touch and let's chat about how we can help you create true emotional and financial freedom in your life. 


Laura πŸ–€β€‰



Get Real Live - Friday, Sept 9 at The Motorist, Leeds


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