Transform your relationship with money and rewrite your money story

Does money stir up a whirlwind of emotions for you?

Unfortunately if fear, stress, and doubt surround your thoughts about money, you're not alone.

But how can you transform your relationship with money and create the financial and emotional freedom you desire?

You need to start by understanding the emotion of money and rewriting your money story. Here’s a few things to think about…

What emotion(s) is money triggering in you?

Money has a peculiar way of triggering strong emotions in us. But, it isn’t always the money that’s the issue.

If money triggers feelings of guilt, shame or worry (or insert any feeling that it brings up for you), have a think about the first time you remember feeling that way. What was going on? Can you reframe the meaning you have put on that memory in to something that is more supportive? Can you forgive yourself or anyone else that this memory brings up?

Can you accept that money is neutral in its energy? It just takes on the meaning you assign to it. It doesn’t matter if you had a super rich relative who was a douchebag with money-the money didn’t cause them to be a douchebag, it just magnified what they already were. You will not become a douchebag just because you achieve your money goals. So forgive your judgement of money, decide you want to be friends and that you will do better and open up and let money into your life.

Do you feel like you're showing up for money?

Do you avoid opening letters and checking balances out of fear or anxiety? It's time to confront our fears and create a healthier relationship with money.

 By acknowledging money’s existence in your life and looking at it (regularly), you can start to show up for money and take control of your finances.

Do you feel like money shows up for you?

Are you constantly struggling to make ends meet, feeling like money is always out of reach? It's time to shift that narrative. You are open to receiving (in all forms), you agree to look at and manage your money and you understand you are a grown adult who can handle the responsibility of money because it brings with it the power to change your life in the ways you choose. Reframing your beliefs helps you to change your money story and start to make money work for you.

What do your spending patterns look like?

Take a moment to reflect on your spending habits. Are you living beyond your means or constantly putting yourself in debt, relying on credit cards or loans? It's time to re-evaluate and create a sustainable spending plan. Set a budget and then commit to sticking to it. Have a regular weekly money date to see how you're doing (we love Money Mondays in Your Wealth Revolution - my free facebook group).

Do you have any savings?

Savings are a crucial part of a healthy money story. Do you have any money set aside for emergencies or future plans? Make saving a priority and provide yourself with some extra financial security. Ideally you want to build a savings pot that covers at least three months of expenses.

Do you have any debt?

Debt can be a heavy burden that weighs you down and affects your relationship with money. It's time to start taking control and work towards becoming debt-free. Once you’ve built your savings pot, it is time to start repaying debt. You’ll save more money if you go for the highest interest rate debt first but it might be more motivating to clear the smallest balances first - just choose which feels right to you, you can do this!

Are you living the chapters of your life written by limiting beliefs?

Are you living your life based on limiting beliefs, other people's stories, or societal expectations? It's time to break free from those constraints and create a money story that aligns with your true values and purpose.

Do you believe that your money reality can change?

The answer is a resounding "yes!" Begin to shift your mindset and cultivate a deep belief in the possibility of creating a new, empowering money story that reflects abundance and freedom.

Do you want to Make More Money?

Are you ready to transform your relationship with money, rewrite your money story, and - the reason you’re most likely here - make more money?

Then I have just the thing for you. And the best thing? It’s not going to cost you a thing.

Make More Money is my foundational and free programme that gives you a 5 step plan to literally start making more money - it gets you to rethink about the foundations of your business.

It will help you understand the gap between your income goal and your current reality, and clear any fear around selling, so you can close that gap.

If you’re ready to make more money, click here to get started.


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