How to let go of your fear and make more money

Do you want to make more money in your business?

I know the answers probably a resounding yes, and yet so many people aren’t doing the most obvious thing.

Sell, sell, sell….

We all know it but are we doing it?

Not surprisingly, the biggest issue clients have when they start working with me, is that they are not making enough money.

AND I can guarantee, that the principle reason for that is that they DO NOT sell.

They can write war and peace in their posts. They can reel like a pro. They blog like a boss. And they can even press send on an email to their list.

And yet, they do not sell.

I know why and you probably do too, if you are not making the money you want to be in your business.

Sharing and giving value feels good.

Asking for money does not.

Asking for the sale (money) makes you feel needy, desperate, a little bit embarrassed.

What will people think? Then the shame spiral begins. What if you’re just not good enough to do what you do? What if people work with you and find you to be a massive disappointment? What if you just need to do another course/read another book/have one more coaching session/refine what you’ve already created for the eleventy millionth time?

Whilst I don’t want to piss on your chips, it is likely that 99% of the above is absolute bollocks. It is not real…it’s your brain doing its job of keeping you safe by alerting you to how dangerous it is to do anything you don’t normally do. And sometimes this is helpful…but when it comes to making money, not all.

Let’s prove it - let’s go and read your testimonials (if you didn’t get any, then for the love of all that is holy, go and ask your existing or previous clients what they think/thought).

Look at the results you have helped your clients achieve.

Look at the years you’ve put into learning your craft, refining it and practising it.

Stop letting your mind protect you because what it’s actually doing is screwing you financially.

You don’t need to 10X your confidence overnight - you just need to sell. You’ll get confident by doing something every day that takes you out of your comfort zone.

It doesn't need to be fancy or sophisticated.

It looks like sticking a link to buy on every post/email/blog you write.

It looks like having a link to buy in your profile.

It looks like telling me your price and letting me buy it on your website.

Personally, if you are forever asking people to slide into your DMs or apply to work with you (I would possibly change my tune for 1:1 or high value sales), stop it. Just give them the link to buy.

You grab their attention to start with, with all your amazing words but you never tell them what to do or how they can get the transformation you give….so they lose interest.

Make it easy.

Most people are reading your stuff whilst taking a dump, cooking dinner, in the middle of something else. They don’t want to come back later and slide into your DMs, they just want to pay you.

The number of times I want to buy something and have to chase to pay is insane.

Make it easy for your new clients to give you their money.

Do it today.

And I am pretty sure if you sell EVERY single day for the rest of this month - that means talking about the transformation your clients get (solving their problems) and telling them how they can give you money for that transformation/solution - you will sell something.

If you need some help, I’ve got you.

And the best thing? It’s not going to cost you a thing.

Make More Money is our foundational and free programme that gives you a 5 step plan to literally make more money.

It will help you understand the gap between your income goal and your current reality, and clear any fear around selling, so you can close that gap.

If you’re ready to make more money, click here to get started.


Transform your relationship with money and rewrite your money story


The secret to making money - and keeping it!