Fuchsite Quartz Necklace


There is no other crystal more apt for our Get REAL framework than this one.  A beautiful, loving grey stone that has undertones of green or purple. It is a soothing stone that calms overactive energy, heightened emotions and balances the flow of energy around the body.  It is particularly healing for the heart chakra.

Fuchsite helps us understand true self worth and assists with overcoming codependency and healing from trauma, both emotionally and physically. 

All of our crystals are raw and taken in their unaltered state to be used in our jewellery.  

Before your necklace was shipped, it was infused with energy to help support you in whatever intention you set for it when it arrives.  

Bear in mind the properties of each crystal before choosing which piece is called to you.  

Remember to charge your crystals regularly in the light of the full moon. The necklace chains are sterling silver and a cloth to keep your necklace at its best is provided in the box.

Last post for UK delivery before Christmas is 16th December.

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