What does it take to feel true financial security?

On this week's Laura's Lowdown we're talking all things 'safety' and how a lack of safety can affect your reality with money and your money mindset.

In particular, how that helps you acquire wealth and hold onto it.

This episode is for people who have the level of income that they need, but it's only ever 'just' enough, never more.

A lot of us are trying to increase our wealth, build our cash reserves and not spend everything we make. We might think that our income level means we have enough and we're sorted for the future.

BUT... we still don't feel safe and secure.

Because we think MORE money and more hard work will really take us to that level of financial security (and therefore emotional security) that we need.

I'm here to tell you that feeling safe and secure has nothing to do with money and everything to do with how you feel about yourself inside.

This podcast encourages you to look back over your life and discover the times throughout your life when you didn't feel safe.

Things like

  • emotional needs not being met as a child (not necessarily deliberately it was just that your parents were unable to give the emotional response you needed)

  • trying to make friends and be accepted into friendship groups at school

  • trying to people please in your career and for people to praise you to let you know that you were doing a good enough job

  • getting into relationships and putting your needs last in fear of the other person leaving

Then we'll walk through how to feel safe and work on the internal stuff so that the external (money etc) comes and flows more effortlessly.

Journal prompts off the back of this episode;

  • Where are you not giving yourself your own approval?

  • Where are you judging yourself harshly?

  • Where are you berating yourself or telling yourself off?

  • Where are you not consistent between what you say and what you do?

We'll talk about how all these things grate on us and cause us to live in fear, block our ability to receive and hold onto money and cause us emotional pain.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

Remember - a monetary value, paying off your mortgage, a pension pot estimate or assets won't be enough to make you feel safe. It helps of course, but the fundamental feeling of fear and lack of safety is what needs clearing here.

I work with business owners on a personalised 1:1 basis as a money mindset coach. I help you get out of your own way, clear the fear and create true safety within for optimum wealth, emotional health and happiness.

Click here to chat about you and how I can help.

Laura 🖤


When the world feels a little upside down


The 5 Day Make More Money Plan - Monday September 12th in The Get Real Community