The Power of Rose Quartz

This week's episode of Laura's Lowdown is all about rose quartz.

  • What this powerful crystal is commonly used for

  • How to use it for self-love and self-worth

  • How it helped me with crippling anxiety when I escaped to Australia

  • Why self-love and self-worth is connected to emotional and financial freedom

Let's talk about rose quartz.

This beautiful pink stone may be super common and might be the crystal you think about when you want to attract someone into your life for love, but what about using it for your own self-love?

I had the most powerful experience with a rose quartz necklace that was really not my style.

I was living in Australia, having escaped there thinking moving thousands of miles away to the other side of the world was the best way to get over debilitating anxiety.

I'd developed anxiety very suddenly after the birth of my second child, Chloe. When Chloe was only a few weeks old, she stopped breathing and turned blue in her cot. It was the most traumatic experience of my life. She pulled through but my world became small and terrifying.

Moving to Australia wasn't the answer (hence why I have settled back among the green fields of gorgeous Yorkshire) but my time in Australia allowed me to work on myself and heal.

I was already on a mega journey of self-discovery and finding out who I was. I intuitively knew I had a spiritual side but definitely kept it under wraps. Crystals and psychic abilities didn't seem to serve my life as a Chartered Accountant, poring over spreadsheets and being in boardrooms each day.

But I knew it was part of me and my healing journey to discovering who I was allowed me to lean into my intuition, really listen to it and carve out who I wanted to be moving forwards.

I can't quite explain it but one day in a shop in Perth I was so powerfully drawn to a piece of jewellery that I ordinarily would've turned my nose up at.

It wasn't pretty.

It wasn't my style.

It was a chunky silver circle, with an inscription printed on it with a thick black cord. Definitely NOT my style. But in the centre was a delicate rose quartz crystal and it called to me. I could feel its energy drawing me to it.

I held it in my hands and I knew, it was meant to be mine.

I wore this necklace over my heart chakra every day while living in Australia.

I would hold it and touch it when working on myself and asking all important questions like;

  • Who am I?

  • What do I really want out of life?

  • What is my anxiety trying to tell me?

  • What is the lesson in the pain and difficulty I am going through?

As I was doing this inner work, I could feel the power of this rose quartz, opening me up. I swear this necklace would not let me put it down.

Over time, while building a well of self-love and self-worth, I realised that it didn't matter what everyone else was doing or the way other people behaved. I didn't need to compare myself to others. It was no longer a measure of my worth.

While I don't wear the necklace anymore, I got it out last week to hold it and have a look at it. It felt as powerful as the day it chose me in that shop in Australia. After all this time, rose quartz, as common as it may be as a crystal, is still my go-to for self-worth and self-love.

If you're struggling with your self-love and self-worth, I highly recommend rose quartz. You don't need to wear it as a necklace, you can pop it in your bra, pocket or under a pillow. It is a gentle yet very comforting crystal and still probably one of the best I have ever worked with.


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