How to prioritise pleasure - why I'd rather have a foot spa than a Ferrari
Would you rather have a foot spa or a Ferrari?
I love cars. I'm a proper petrolhead.
But I'd always choose the foot spa over the Ferrari.
When you detach the perceived financial value of something, you can ask yourself the true value and worth of that thing or experience.
Yes, a Ferrari may be an amazing investment and it may also give you a real buzz when you head out in it at speed.
But the value for me of taking time to sit down with my feet in my Epsom salt foot spa is worth more than any car. It is the permission to slow down, relax and take time for myself that is priceless.
Prioritising pleasure is different for every single person and I invite you to lean into what pleasure looks and feels like for you (ooh - err!) I don't actually necessarily mean s*xy time here but I’m also not excluding it! Pleasure can take many forms such as:
Putting your phone down and actually tasting your lunch, rather than inhaling it as fast as possible whilst flexing your forefinger on the scroll.
Taking 10 mins to sit outside with a cup of tea and just breathe and let your eyes look at something that’s further away than 30cm.
Going for a walk and not listening to an audiobook or podcast - just walking and seeing what’s around you.
Meeting a friend for a chat and a drink without making it about work.
Reading for pleasure not just to learn something and feel like you are on top of your personal development, but an actual story that will transport your imagination to new places.
Washing your bedding and sliding in those fresh sheets to read a book.
What does pleasure look like to you?
And how often are you adding it to your daily activities?
It might sound ludicrous but I, and many others, are firm believers that when you start to prioritise your pleasure, your life and your business will change. It is like the Universe rewards you for finally slowing down and reconnecting with yourself but the truth is you are opening yourself up to receive….you are in a vibrational frequency of receiving and so you begin to receive in all forms. Money included.
When you focus on connecting to yourself through pleasure, it has a ripple effect of positive change with your connection with others, your health, and ultimately your actions which leads to better business and increased wealth.
It's something I have done with countless entrepreneurs in my energy healing work, alongside my savvy Chartered Accountancy practical advice.
Pleasure is a big deal and so are you!
Laura ♥️
PS - if this is a real struggle for you, check out my 1:1 Energy Readings. You’ll be amazed at what we can pick up on in one session to move the needle in your life and business.