5 steps to change your money mindset

I get that money might feel uncomfortable.

Talking about it, looking at it, managing it, planning for the future with it… but it is an inevitable part of life. Money cannot be avoided, despite how much you try.

As we move through the financial turbulence of the pandemic, the cost of living crisis and now a looming recession, money feels scarier than ever.

But, without sugar coating it, its time to put on your adult pants and dive in.

Nothing will ever change if you don’t change it, so let’s make 2023 the year you work on your relationship with money and wealth and rewrite your story.

Starting with your money mindset.

Changing your money mindset might not feel comfortable YET, but it is not dangerous and you can do it.

Here's 5 steps to get you started.

1. Identify your current money mindset

Take some time to reflect on your attitudes and beliefs about money.

  • Do you tend to view money as a means to happiness or as a source of stress?

  • Do you feel like you never have enough, or do you feel financially secure?

  • Does money make you feel trapped?

Understanding your current mindset can help you identify areas that you need to work on.

2. Challenge your limiting beliefs

It's natural to have some limiting beliefs about money, but these beliefs can hold you back if you let them.

Try to identify any limiting beliefs you have about money, and then challenge them. For example, if you believe that you'll never be able to save enough money, think of examples of people who have been able to save despite facing similar challenges. If you believe you can’t make money doing something you love, look around for all the examples of people doing exactly this online.

3. Get clear on your current financial reality and set some financial goals

Setting financial goals can help you focus on what you want to achieve with your money. Make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Having clear goals can help you stay motivated and on track. I cover where to start with you financial goals in my FREE for February online programme, Money Magic.

4. Educate yourself

Lack of knowledge can contribute to limiting money beliefs. Make an effort to learn more about personal finance, budgeting, and investing. This can help you feel more in control of your finances and give you the tools you need to make smart financial decisions.

If you want my recommendations for some amazing, easy to use resources, sign up to my email list here for regular tips.

5. Seek support

Changing your money mindset can be difficult, and it's okay to seek support. Consider working with me, a money mindset mentor, Chartered Accountant and energy healer.

We can work together in a number of ways including my signature group programme or on a 1:1 basis.

You can also come hang out in my free Facebook community or join the waitlist for my brand new FREE programme Money Magic.

You will be the first to be notified when it's launches and it will help you get to grips with the financial foundations you need in your life, to rewrite your money story; and I promise, not a spreadsheet in sight!


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