Does your relationship with money feel like a struggle?

Have you woken up in the middle of the night worrying about money?

Are you sick of choosing how you spend your spare time based on what your bank balance is telling you?

Does looking at your bank account make you feel a bit sick?

If I asked you how much money you needed to take home to live the life you want, would you be clueless about how much you needed to sell to be able to do that?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Make More Money is the starting point for change for you.

Money can make you feel some kind of way - whether you have it or you don’t. 

It can be hugely emotional to talk about it, to look at it and to try and make it.

We often use our money to gauge how valuable we are as humans….even though they have zero correlation. 

We use it to tell ourselves stories about who we are or are not and who we could become.

Not having money (and/or having debt) can make us feel shame, having it when others don’t can make us feel guilty.  Not understanding our business finances can leave us feeling stressed out and incapable of being a business owner.

And whilst all your feelings are valid and understandable, they are based on old stories and don’t have to be how your future money relationship plays out.

You and money can make peace.  You can feel good about money.  You can love money.  Money can help you live the life you dream of, and you can use money to give back and change the world.

You are enough. You deserve to rewrite your money story and live the happy ending, so let’s make a start together and see how you can start making more money.

Make More Money is our foundational and free programme that gives you a 5 step plan to literally make more money. It will help you:

  • Understand the gap between your income goal and your current reality

  • Clear any fear around that gap (by listening to the Make More Money Activation)

  • Get clarity over the products and services you want to sell and which ones are profitable

  • Get clarity over the problems your products and services solve, the results you get for your customers and clients so you can next level your marketing

  • Help you plan your organic marketing strategy to build your audience

  • Create some value led content that will help you increase your visibility and make some sales

So sign up today, for your free access to Make More Money and let’s see what you can achieve in just 5 steps.