What you can do to make more money in your business

I think we’d all be happy with more money in our business but that leaves the BIG and often, unanswered question of HOW?

Business is simple - there are four core pillars to a successful lifestyle business:

💸 Revenue

💸 Expenses

💸 Assets

💸 Liabilities

Although all four are hugely important, revenue is a pretty big one.

Revenue is the STARTING POINT to make more money.

In my latest video we are going to chat about your revenue targets, your core offer and the revenue generating activities you can implement today so that in 30 days time you’ve made more money! We might also save you some time, overwhelm and prevent you feeling like a fart in a trance.

Check it out here:

Doing this stuff alone is hard. The mind throws up all kinds of custard pies to throw us off track. The best way around that is to take action anyway and do it supported by a community of like minded business owners.

You know the ones who laugh out loud at memes in their phone, communicate with their besties by sending memes on insta, quite like bubbles and biscuits (other drinks are fine), want to make a difference in the world, are sometimes in bed before the youths are going out on a night out AND will never try to bamboozle you with transformational, coachy words that mean absolutely nothing in the english dictionary.

We will be talking more about revenue plus covering strategy, offers, launches, numbers, networking - and all the other practical steps you need to be taking to create your dream lifestyle business. So be prepared to do the work!

If you would like to join the community and get access to an incredible range of business resources at no financial cost, here’s your invite.


How to minimise expenses and make more money in your business


The key financials you need to be tracking in your business