The Blog

Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

How to make sure you're a valuable asset to your business

You are possibly the greatest asset your business has. This is your business and it’s whole point of existence is to generate you the money you need to live the life you want. To be able to do this, you need to be clear on what matters to you, the way you want this business to work and the lifestyle you want to lead.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

How to minimise liabilities and create financial security in your business

Liabilities in business come in all shapes and sizes. Traditionally, people think of liabilities as debt or legal obligations. However, you need to also be focused on those less obvious elements, those things off your balance sheet that still have an impact on your revenue and overall success in business.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

How to minimise expenses and make more money in your business

Although you will have to spend some money to make money in your business, I’ve seen far too many clients wasting money on unnecessary costs. Here we are going to talk all about expenses, how to manage them and making sure you’re focused on the revenue generating activities that will ensure you make more money!

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

What you can do to make more money in your business

Revenue is the STARTING POINT to make more money. Here we chat about your revenue targets, your core offer and the revenue generating activities you can implement today so that in 30 days time you’ve made more money! Plus save you some time and overwhelm.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

The key financials you need to be tracking in your business

There are some key financials that you need to start tracking in your business, even though money and numbers might be scary to you. You can then use this data to make the right decisions and tweak your strategy as needed. So what key data am I talking about?

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

How to turn your lifestyle business into your greatest asset

If you build a business that has a value to someone else, that means you can sell it. You can exit out of that business and take the money. But to be able to do that, there are things that you need to understand that will drive your business’s valuation.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

What is a lifestyle business?

Have you ever heard the term ‘lifestyle business’, but aren’t actually sure what it’s all about?

Find out what a lifestyle business actually is, how it can help you live the life you desire and the key characteristics that will help you get there.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

Overcoming the biggest block to your business success

Do you know what the biggest block to your business success is? Brace yourself because this is going to sting… it’s most likely YOU! Here’s a few ideas for you to implement to help you get out of your own way.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

How to let go of your fear and make more money

Do you want to make more money in your business? I know the answers probably a resounding yes, and yet so many people aren’t doing the most obvious thing. Sell, sell, sell…. We all know it but are we doing it?

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

The secret to making money - and keeping it!

Money can not heal your wounds. Your relationship with money is a key relationship in your life whether you realise it or not. If you want to make the money and keep it….you’ve got to heal all the stuff that is getting in the way first.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

How to build your net worth in 2023

There are so many ways to build your net worth.

We can try and lump the possibilities together into basic categories - and that’s what I’ve done in this blog. Check it out for a few things to consider when trying to build your net worth.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

5 steps to change your money mindset

I get that money might feel uncomfortable.

But nothing will ever change if you don’t change it, so let’s make 2023 the year you work on your relationship with money and wealth and rewrite your story.

Starting with your money mindset.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

The importance of loving yourself

Let’s talk about self love (not that kind 🙄).

You hear it all the time, the importance of loving yourself… but do you know what it means, how it feels and most importantly how to do it?

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

Super New Moon in Capricorn this week - end the year with fresh good luck!

If you only sit down and do the new moon work once this year, let this be the moon! As well as the new moon, Jupiter moves back into first sign of Zodiac, Aries to continue its transit, on the 20th December which is the PERFECT time for us solopreneurs and business owners to make big, bold moves.

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Isobel Plant Isobel Plant

Has the full moon in Gemini got you feeling like this?

Are you feeling a bit off this week? Unfortunately for us, yes there's something going on with the planets and this week's full moon is shining a light on it.

This is a Full Cold Moon in Gemini and it's also synced up with Mars. Not only is this the planet of action taking but also anger too. So if you're starting to feel tetchy and impatient, this could be the reason.

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