
Get REAL Revolution


a forcible overthrow of a social order, in favour of a new system.


Strong words but that is what we are doing here. 

We are overthrowing struggle, fear, disconnection, loneliness, lack, stress, overwork, exhaustion, no boundaries, hurdles, hustle, a need to rely on logic, overwhelm and confusion.

Instead we are learning to implement a new system, we are Getting REAL.


Through Get REAL we instead choose stretch, love, connection, belonging, abundance, relaxation, fun, energy, strong boundaries, ease, intuition, peace and clarity.

We choose our freedom.

We choose joy.

We cannot change the world without starting with ourselves and more than ever, change is needed.

We must come home to ourselves.  We must strengthen ourselves.  We must clear our energy.  We must find joy, love, peace and above.  From this place, we can change anything and everything, one step at a time.

Freedom and joy are not easy choices to make but it doesn’t mean they are not calling you.  The whispers in the night, the undercurrent of belief that there is another way, that it can be easier, that it just shouldn’t be so hard. The inner knowing that you want something different but feeling a little lost on how to play that out.

You are not alone, we are one and the same.

The Get REAL Revolution is the safest container I can offer for a group of likeminded, creative entrepreneurs, ready to be real people who want to create change in their own lives, make an impact on others and perhaps leave a legacy for the generations that come after us.

We are choosing to go first.  

To dip our toes into the sea of change and together, to fully submerge ourselves in a new world that we are creating.  We choose to strengthen ourselves, to trust our souls and to lead.  To shine our light brightly, letting all those that come after us know it is safe to follow.

We are indeed starting a Revolution.  

We will do the mindset work and the energy work required to lift ourselves up, to change our vibrational frequency and to create our own worlds from a place of love, joy, peace and above. 

We will do the work we love and infuse it with our high vibrational energy knowing that it will lift others.  Knowing that we can do so much more when we feel good and are creating abundance that we can share with the world.

The Get REAL Revolution is our own small, private and supportive community.  We stand with each other as we do the work to become all that we are destined to be.

What’s included?


Fortnightly group energy sessions


Every fortnight, I will hold a live group energy session where we will clear and align ourselves to that which we are creating.  These sessions are simple but powerful.  They collapse time and effortlessly clear the way for your abundance and freedom.  There will be a replay if you cannot attend live, the results are the same.


Monthly journal prompts and group card read


There will be monthly journaling prompts around the REAL (Receive, Expend, Accumulate and Let Go) or Unlocked theme for the month and I will pull a card for the month ahead.


Private Walk & Talk sessions


Every fortnight, I hold and walk and talk session. You can call me on my mobile during the session and talk to me privately about whatever is going on for you. You’ll be amazed at what we can do in 15 minutes.


The Portal


We also have the Get REAL Revolution Portal.

This contains:

  • new moon and full moon journaling prompts for the year, 

  • Fast impact, healing sessions around key areas to help reprogram the subconscious and clear stagnant energy that you can listen to, 

  • the Get REAL Toybox which is full of ideas to help you soothe yourself when things feel difficult

  • Abundance Activation bundle to kickstart your abundance journey and creative manifestation power

What is the investment required to join the Revolution?


The Revolution is a monthly membership and the cost of investment is £97 per month.  

You are not tied into a contract - you can leave anytime you like.


How do I know if the Revolution is right for me?


You are open to the woo and you get that you need to do the work too. You like a bit of banter, can handle swear words and just generally like to sprinkle a bit of love and magic wherever you go.

You’ve done lots of work on yourself and you know that it is a continual process.  You don’t need accountability or spoon feeding but you would like someone to have your back and help you clear stagnant energy, fear and anxiety that creeps up every now and again in your business journey. 


Is this the best way to work with you?


If you want to focus on mindset and energy work and are happy with a group experience then yes, it could be.

If you are looking for help with strategy too, for your online business then I have two other options.

You could choose the Get REAL Experience.  Here, I teach you the Get REAL way from the perspective of mindset, energy and strategy.  You will learn how to integrate the three in what you receive, expend, accumulate and let go of.  This is a self study programme with a fortnightly group get together. 

Or you could choose to work with me privately with 1:1 mentoring.  Just the two of us.  We will have a call to make sure the connection we both need is there and if it’s a yes, we will begin our 1:1 mentorship together. Email me directly at to discuss.


Are you ready to join the Revolution?